Ros Ballaster is Professor of Eighteenth-Century Studies in the Faculty of English, Oxford University and Professorial Fellow of English at Mansfield College, Oxford. She has published widely in the field of late seventeenth- and eighteenth-century literature and has particular research interests in women’s writing, the novel, feminist theory, and oriental fiction. She has published much on Aphra Behn, most recently ‘Rochester, Behn and Enlightenment Liberty’, in Lord Rochester in the Restoration World, ed. Matthew Augustine and Steven Zwicker (2015) and ‘Taking Liberties: Revisiting Behn’s Libertinism’, Women’s Writing, 19.2 (2012). Scholarly editing to date includes Delariver Manley, The New Atalantis (1991); Jane Austen, Sense and Sensibility (1995); Fables of the East: Selected Tales 1662-1785 (2005). She is the editor of The History of British Women’s Writing, 1690 – 1750: Volume Four (History of British Women’s Writing (2010). Three monographs are in print: Seductive Forms: Women’s Amatory Fiction 1684-1740 (1992); Fabulous Orients: Fictions of the East in England 1662-1785 (2005) and Fictions of Presence: Theatre and Novel in Eighteenth-Century Britain (2020).
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