Victoria E. Burke is Associate Professor of English Literature at the University of Ottawa. In addition to editing Seneca Unmasqued, her current editing projects include the poetry of Anne Southwell, with co-editors Danielle Clarke and Christina Luckyj, contracted to The Other Voice in Early Modern Europe. She is completing a monograph called Compiling and Creating: Devotional Manuscript Writing by Seventeenth-Century Englishwomen. She has had articles recently published in the journals Criticism and Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies and in the essay collections The Oxford Handbook of Early Modern Women’s Writing in English, 1540-1700; Feminist Formalism and Early Modern Women’s Writing: Readings, Conversations, Pedagogies; and World-making Renaissance Women: Rethinking Early Modern Women’s Place in Literature and Culture. She is the section editor for ‘Materialities: Manuscript’ for The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Early Modern Women’s Writing.
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